Is It OK If I Nominate You For Deacon?

ImageI was going to post an article on nominating office bearer’s  since our congregation has a vacant spot for deacon…but then someone asked me the scariest thing that made me redirect the focus of this article!

“Is it ok if I nominate you for deacon…?”

My response was simple, yet dignified

”So, Um…Uh…What? Why?” (Or something along those lines.)

I also did not know we were supposed to ask the person we are nominating – I never have!  Am I supposed to?  Please let me know!

I have spent a good 5 years rearranging my priorities, growing in faith and in relationship with my redeemer, my congregation and my family. I can honestly say now, that my overwhelming desire in life is to see God glorified in my life and in the lives of those around me. However, at this point of my life I have very little desire to be an office bearer. My official response is “I don’t think I am ready;” and after much prayer and study, and to avoid sounding like a hypocrite with the articles I have written, I cannot in good conscience say “No.” However, what I will ask you to do before you make your nominations (for me or anyone else) is to prayerfully go before the Lord.  Do not make a hasty nomination, and do not make a hasty vote. We should ask God to ensure that the right men are nominated and elected to office. And I am sure there are a number of men more qualified than I.

My goal right now is to be a godly husband and father and to ensure that God is glorified in my family and in the church and that His gospel is unmistakably, forcefully, frequently, and fervently proclaimed outside of the church, that the love of Jesus is preached and shown to the downtrodden, to those without hope, that all unbelievers within my reach will hear the true gospel message.  Maybe, if there was an office of evangelist, or outreach worker, or faith sharer, or love giver,  I would probably accept such a nomination, knowing that my gifting’s would be well suited to such an office. So I really want to say…please don’t ask me if I am ready to be an elder or a deacon, only God knows if I am ready…  the thought scares me half to death.

On Sept 6th I will be 3 years removed from my addiction to smoking.  3 years removed from this addiction which, to me, was simply living in sin ( I am not judging anyone else but myself here) – that is far too short a time in my mind. Likewise I am only 5 years removed from being a selfish and negligent husband and a lazy and absent father. 5 years ago I was a sinful, self-indulgent, Sunday Christian, simply paying lip service to the church!  Isn’t there a qualification that says something about not being a recent convert? Doesn’t this qualify as a recent conversion? (And please don’t bring up Saul’s conversion on the Road to Damascus :))  I must admit that one day I would love to go to seminary and obtain an MDiv with the possibility of receiving a call to be a minister of the Word.  So I am not against ever being an office bearer …I just think the time is not right.  And yes I am aware that it is all in His time and not ours…but still….Anyway.  I also doubt that council would approve my nomination based on these things.

Let’s switch gears.

We have not mentioned the reason there is a vacancy in this office in our congregation.  The man who asked to be released from office has a wife who is battling cancer.  I pray that God would bless our brother and his wife in this time.  Pray for healing, both bodily and spiritually.  Pray for comfort and strength for the entire Thalen family. This cancer truly shows that we are a body.  When one person suffers, we all do.  Our congregation “lost” an office bearer to this cancer and that is a pain that ripples through the congregation.  Let’s pray that God would strengthen our dear sister  and comfort her and pray that she would not waste her cancer, and that her husband would not waste it either. Pray that WE as a congregation would not waste this cancer or any other sufferings we must endure. Pray that God would be glorified through everyone involved in this time of suffering. (I admit my fear of a nomination seems very shallow right now as I write this part)

Finally, I would ask you all, please prayerfully consider your nominations and seek the most qualified men to nominate. And please do nominate qualified men!  I have my list ready of men. As for me personally, I am more than happy to continue the path I am on, relying on his goodness and grace to serve in the church and the community where I can, to be a godly husband and father, to be active in outreach and evangelism, to help those who are in need, to write this blog. I don’t need to be an office bearer to do any of this, but if He calls me to it then who am I to argue?

All I need is Jesus. Let me glorify God and show His love to my neighbour. I don’t need an office to do that, and that is all I care for.

I’ll let God figure the rest out.

Oh and if I ever was called to office I would have to change the blog descriptor from “A Layman’s Musings About Christian Things…” to something else… 😉

In the same way, deacons[a] are to be worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine,and not pursuing dishonest gain. They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. 10 They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons.

11 In the same way, the women[b] are to be worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything.

12 A deacon must be faithful to his wife and must manage his children and his household well.13 Those who have served well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus.

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No Responses

  1. Only you and the Lord know whether you’re ready for the responsibility ….I think you would feel a ‘peace’ about it if you were ready….but as you say maybe God’s ideas are not yours right now..Diane

  2. garrett says:

    Hey Ryan been there, more than once it does not get easier the second or third time it happens I think it gets scarier. As far as are you supposed to ask, I have never asked someone and no one has ever asked me with the exception of the last time as I did not yet complete my “year off” from office. Do not sweat it. wait until you have been nominated to really search your heart and discuss it further from there with your pastor, elder, or a friend that has been there. And if you get nominated compare who you are on ballot with, with the same rules and guidelines that you apply to yourself as to the qualifications.

    God is using you in other ways right now perhaps these ways were to prepare you for an office? perhaps these ways are your lot currently. In all your ways acknowledge and lean not on your own understanding.

    you said that 3 years and five years are too soon in your opinion, I ask you one thing…….if you get nominated and voted in would it make you conceited or puffed up? Remember that is why a novice was not to be put into office. Unless you have changed in the 7 or 8 years that I have really hung out with you I do not see that happening.

    You have always had a servants heart and the office of deacon is the office of a servant.
    You have my email if you want further private discussion.
    God Bless,

    • Hi Garret,

      I am not stressing about it…yet 🙂 It is definitely on my mind though. I doubt I would be on the ballot, but we’ll see. You always were the voice of reason when it comes to my brain working overtime. I admit that I stretched the new convert thing a bit lol and you are probably right – conceit is not really a part of me. I will email you soon!


  3. jelillie says:

    Love this brother and the humility with which it was brought. I would probably say that this humility above anything else probably does qualify you if you fit the other criteria for deacon. I do not know your churches requirements but in our church nominations are usually anonymous and then those nominations go before a committee who match the man to the qualifications. If the group (consisting of pastors and deacons already sitting) determines the nominee meets the qualifications including the recent convert qualifier then the nominee is approached and given an opportunity to pray to see if God would have his name stand. If your church has a nominations committee in place then pray hard for these men brother for they have the difficult task of qualifying the nominees. I am Praying for your church today and for you! 🙂 Be blessed!

    • Thanks Pastor J. Our church does not have a committee, but the nominations are approved/rejected by the current elders and deacons. Then the men deemed to meet the criteria are placed on a ballot and the congregation votes. Thank you for your prayers as well!
