On March 8th I posted my first article. It received 6 hits and I was amazed that anyone would read it. In fact I could not figure out who the 6 people were! Exactly 5 months later on August 7th the hit counter rolled past 10,000. Really? When the idea for this blog formed in my mind, I thought that maybe my mom and my wife would give me a “courtesy read.” I never expected that there would be 10,000 hits period, let alone in 5 months. I am still amazed. And I thank God that He has seen fit to use my love of writing for His glory.
God has blessed me through this blog, and I hope that perhaps you might be blessed as well – if you can find that nugget of truth or value amongst my jumble of thoughts. I have met a a lot of new people, both within and outside of the Church as a direct result of “One Christian Dad.” I have been humbled through stories of sin, suffering, repentance, restoration. I have rejoiced with those who tell me of their triumphs – or His triumphs – in their lives. I have cried with people who tell me of their regretted abortions. I have encouraged the weak, and been encouraged. I have laughed with some, I have had coffee with some, I have stood and held signs with some, I have learned a lot about me, and the church and the unbelieving world. I have been challenged in my views, I have been confirmed in my faith, I have been shunned, and I have been mocked. The blog has opened me up to both ridicule and praise, and everything in between.
I am a reformed Christian, and I am not afraid to tell it like it is, as you have probably noticed 🙂 Whether you are an unbeliever or a believer or a lukewarm “Sunday” Christian, I may offend you – in fact probably I have offended you; yes even my reformed brothers and sisters. But the Gospel is offensive. I admit I sometimes walk a narrow line, but I only do so for the glory of God and the up building of my neighbour.
I certainly do not expect anyone to read this, and I thank God that I am able to use my love of reading and writing to His glory, and that some of you are actually reading it.
Here are some interesting facts about my blog (at least I find them interesting):
1. The first “like” on my Facebook page was by my brother in Christ, Anthony Vandergugten, who must have seen me “like” my own page on his Facebook newsfeed, because I had not gone public with it yet, and there it was…a “like.”
2. My first email follower was Anthony’s wife Mrs. “V.” Thanks for the support both of you 🙂
3. My first twitter follower was Mike Schouten. Who I met just about the time I started this blog and who has become somewhat of an unexpected ally of mine. Thanks for the support and all that you do Mike.
4. My first WordPress follower was Joe Quatrone – Who I also follow and admire. Thank you for the encouragement my friend.
5. The most viewed post is: Facebook and the 10 commandments with 792 hits
6. The least viewed post is my first ever post: Striving to Be…(An elder) – with a whopping 11 hits 🙂
7. Readers from 35 countries have viewed the blog!
Thank you for reading. Soli Deo Gloria.
I think this song is fitting for today’s post 🙂
It’s so good to be affirmed with what you write. I’m happy for you…Diane
Thanks for comment Diane
I just started reading, Ryan. And I like it! (Though I don’t always agree with what you say. 🙂 Keep it up.
Thanks reading Alisa. If you don’t agree with something you should comment 😉
Hi Ryan, good job – we just never know what God can accomplish if we allow Him to use us as His instruments! Keep it up – I enjoy the sincerity in your posts!
Thanks Rhea 🙂