Everyone has reposted this. So why not me? Here is a blog by a Christian mother who was in the theatre with her 2 teenagers when the gunman opened fire. She gives all the glory to God even in the midst of this suffering. I pray that I would have faith like this in the midst of such extreme circumstances.

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  1. James Kanis says:

    I’d seen this from another reposting, and thought it was a fantastic piece! Reminded me of Job 19 for some reason: going through unimaginable suffering and yet praising God. One of my favourite passages ever since speaking on it at Ruth and Naomi’s 🙂

    • With that blog post she went from 11 followers to over one million. Obviously there is a reason for that…I pray that God would use her testimony to lead those extra 999,989+ people to hear the gospel. May god use this tragedy to show his glory, His saving grace, His majesty…and yes I likes your message as well 😀