αἰδοῦς & National Cleavage Day
I was not going to blog today, but when I walk around today I can plainly see that it is National Cleavage Day. I had no idea that there was such a thing until today.
No, it’s not a real day to celebrate, it’s just a marketing ploy by wonderbra or some similar company – but the young ladies I have seen today are all “celebrating” it. All I can do is shake my head and think, “isn’t it appropriate that April Fool’s Day is upon us as well?” What has happened to us? What happened to modesty? We even see it in Church now. I am sure we have all had that awkward conversation with a young lady who seems to be celebrating National Cleavage Day, or Municipal Miniskirt Month, or whatever you want to call it.
Let’s look at this from a biblical perspective:.
I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.1 Timothy 2:9
I could go on for a while on this verse but I am going to focus on just one word in celebration of National Cleavage Day. Let me get Theological for sec…please bear with me. Our word for today is, “modestly.” “Modestly” in this text is from the Greek word αἰδοῦς (aidous). There is only one occurrence of this Greek word in the New Testament, and it is here. And no, I don’t know Greek very well. Aidous, is loosely translated as shame or disgrace. The King James Version says, “Shamefacedness.” The word is a blend of modesty, humility and shame. The word also implies a parallel sense of reverence and honor toward a rightful authority. The word is the opposite of disrespect, brashness, imprudence, lack of respect, or audacity. In the context of the time when this letter was written, to respect authority meant to also to not gaze upon the rightful authority. One was to bow, or cast their eyes on the floor. OK. We made it through the New Testament Greek lesson. So, when I write the word “modestly”, I want you to think of that long definition we just finished with – sorry, but that’s what the word means. If I am mistaken on this any of my learned readers may correct me
So, does dressing modestly mean a woman should only wear skirts? Or dresses? No, I really don’t think so. Some of those skirts and dresses worn in Church can be just form fitting and revealing as what I saw today. What it means to “dress modestly” means that your clothing should reveal what you believe about the gospel of Jesus Christ. What do I mean? Well, If you are a professing Christian woman, your clothes should show the world that Jesus covers your shame and makes you decent. He does, does he not? Let me put it this way, for both men and women…Our clothing covers our physical nakedness, just as the “clothing” of Christ covers our spiritual nakedness – which is our sin. How would you feel if Jesus didn’t completely cover your sin?
Dressing “modestly” means that you wear clothes that are decent in God’s eyes. Rather than those that are provocative, seductive, and that honour nakedness. By dressing modestly, you show that you believe God intended clothes to cover your nakedness and not draw attention to it. Christian women dress modestly out of respect for God (the rightful authority), and your Christian brother.
Let me be clear, I have nothing against Christian women looking attractive, feminine and fashionable, but please be modest. I am not saying to wear a parka to church. A man is capable of thinking a woman is attractive without lusting – it is just more difficult when National Cleavage Day is seemingly being celebrated. 🙂 So in conclusion, men are weak, men are sinful. Ladies please consider us your weaker brothers 🙂 … Men appear to like it when women dress in mini-skirts or other revealing clothes, but if a man is in a right relationship with Christ he won’t really like it. When a lady dresses immodestly it points to her nakedness and it ignites lust in a man’s heart. Jesus tells us that a man who has looked on a woman with lust has committed adultery with her in his heart. So can I ask the ladies to do me and all the other guys a favour? We really don’t want to have to pluck out our eyes, so when you are looking at buying that skirt, or that sundress, or that revealing blouse, ask yourself, “Is this modest?” Does it showcase my nakedness or does it exalt Jesus Christ?
If this post makes me a prude – I guess I am prude 🙂
so when you are looking at buying that skirt, or that sundress, or that revealing blouse, ask yourself, “Is this modest?” – Or ask “does this show my love to God and my fellow Christians?”
Gen. 3 – God covered the nakedness of man and his wife – so they would not be ashamed. In a sense he covered their (sinfulness)
Christ hung on the cross – naked – as sinful, so that in turn are sins are covered through His blood.
I like your ending question better than mine. Thank you for your input Len.
Thank you for this post and may God bless you as you honour Him through your blog.
Thank you for the encouragement Cecile.